September 13, 2023
Episode 20:
Five Questions w/ Leah Webb, Seven Step Homestead
Gardening for health, happiness and delicious produce! Author and educator Leah Webb joins us on the podcast to talk about whole foods cooking, why she gardens and so much more when she answers 5 Questions.

Episode Guest
Leah Webb is an avid gardener and edible landscaper residing on her ¾-acre urban homestead in the mountains of western NC. Leah studied soil processes and food systems for seven years before starting her career in health and gardening education in 2009. Her practical approach to whole foods cooking and gardening is inspired by the complexities of raising two children with unique medical needs. Learn more about her approach in her two books, The Seven-Step Homestead and The Grain-Free, Sugar-Free, Dairy-Free Family Cookbook.
Learn more about Leah Webb at
Leah is an avid gardener, edible landscaper and accomplished author and educator. In today’s episode we learn what she loves to grow the most, lessons she learned in the garden and how her children’s health started her on her small-scale homestead journey.
Learn more about Leah’s work and find her two books, The Seven-Step Homestead and The Grain-Free, Sugar-Free, Dairy-Free Family Cookbook at
Leah’s shout out today was about a presentation she recently saw at the Mother Earth News Fair. Bevin, along with Amyrose Foll and Ira Wallace, shared stories of seeds and their keepers during the festival seed swap. Amy-Rose manages Virginia Free Farm and Ira is the James Beard Award winning matriarch from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange.
If you’re new to saving seeds and looking to get started, check out my book Saving Our Seeds. It’ll guide you through harvesting and processing seeds from 43 different species!
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