February 15, 2023
Episode 5:
Five Questions w/ Sonya Harris
plus our Top 5 Favorite Peppers
Community gardener Sonya Harris tells us how we can get our hands on her special seeds and Bevin shares his Top 5 Peppers!

Episode Guest
Sonya Harris
BIO: Born and raised in South Jersey, Sonya Harris is a former special education teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience. As an educator, Sonya believes in taking learning beyond the four walls of the classroom and spearheaded the award-winning Bullock Children’s Garden at the Dorothy L. Bullock Elementary School in Glassboro, NJ. The garden serves to assist in teaching across the curriculum through garden education while providing fresh, organic produce to the local low-income community & helping reduce the impact of the food desert in which the school is located. She loves spending time gardening with children and teaching others how to grow healthy food at home. She is passionate about helping educators learn the fun and ease of incorporating garden-based education throughout the curriculum.
Sonya Harris is a gardener, seed saver, founder of the Bullock Garden Project in Glassboro, NJ and all-around groovy lady! We have an opportunity to chat with Sonya about her favorite tomatoes, an interesting gardening surprise and some of the interesting seeds she’s growing this year. We also learn about her collaboration with Ujamaa Seeds, a new seed company focused on diversity and inclusion. Ujamaa is a Swahili word that means ‘extended family’.
You can learn more about Sonya’s work at www.bullockgardenproject.org and connect with Sonya online at @NJGardenTeacher across all socials.
You can find Ujamaa Seeds at https://ujamaaseeds.com/
In the second half of the show, Bevin shares his Top 5
Peppers for the garden. If you’d like to grow the best peppers, you can find seeds for all of these special varieties at www.smallhousefarm.com
To see footage from our journey to Avery Island, Louisiana, where we had the chance to explore the unique history of the Tabasco pepper, you can find the video here. https://youtu.be/EJQM_U2v5Zs
And remember, you can always support our podcast by joining our Patreon: www.patreon.com/